Reflections on IoT613 and the Carsharing Conference

csa   iot613

The week of September 21st had me in back-to-back conferences. Interesting similarities in integration, analytics and disruption – across the country, at the Carsharing Association Conference and at IoT613.

In Vancouver, at the Carsharing Conference, I had the opportunity to moderate a panel of experts from around the world – Switzerland, Germany, Canada and New Zealand – discussing Integrated Mobility: of Public Transit and Carsharing. Driven by technology, accessibility and user centric design – driven by governments, corporations and community groups – mobility is evolving steadily and within our life time we will see seamlessly connected smart cities, self-driving vehicles, irrelevance of owning a car and drastically less cars own the road. I touched on this a little in a different light earlier this year in my post investigating Mobility as a service. Why does this matter to you?  If you have a physical destination, the experience your customer has with you includes getting there. Mobility and accessibility matters.

Back in Ottawa, bv02 was in full force at IoT613.  What did we do? We sponsored and set up a booth. We set up an interactive installation of our Evolution beacons project we did with the Museum of Nature. We were joined by our good friends TwelveDot Security.  I sat on a panel titled The Future of IoT.  My friends and I from Tech4Good Ottawa were able to send 10 people from non-for-profits to the conference at a huge discount.  And we had a blast.  It was a casual conference, while with a focus on user experience, really gave a broad introduction to what IoT is, what it will mean and what opportunities exist.


We’re getting a lot of questions about IoT these days on and in response, we’ve published a lot of content we hope you’ll find helpful:


Here’s some photos from the IoT event:

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